I just got Total immersion book yesterday.
Have read part 1 of the book and just started doing the drills today.
It seems an excallent way to swim and definatly will improve my f/s.
But i'm a bit weary because it's so comercail. so my question is,
Is Total immersion as good a way to swim as it makes out?
or is it the best way to learn how to swim?
Are there better books out there that teach you how to swim well(properly)?
Hope that makes sense
Former Member
Originally posted by mattson
Gull, I wasn't being rhetorical or condescending.
Sorry, but that's how it came across to me. Look, there are scores of successful coaches who don't package and market their methods (not that there's anything wrong with that). As for reference books, I like Maglischo's Swimming Fastest, among others. But it's a lot bigger than the TI publications, so you can't read it cover to cover in an afternoon or slip it into your swim bag.
Originally posted by mattson
Gull, I wasn't being rhetorical or condescending.
Sorry, but that's how it came across to me. Look, there are scores of successful coaches who don't package and market their methods (not that there's anything wrong with that). As for reference books, I like Maglischo's Swimming Fastest, among others. But it's a lot bigger than the TI publications, so you can't read it cover to cover in an afternoon or slip it into your swim bag.