Swim Caps

Former Member
Former Member
Does anyone know the difference between silicone and latex swim caps? Does one work better than the other? Are there better caps to use for practice and for meets? Which kind of caps do you prefer to use?
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Where I swim it is too warm to wear a cap - traps the heat in. In meets I prefer silicon. Have no idea if it works or not. I have always thought caps would reduce drag so the one that fits the smoothest on your head would be the one for you. That is silicon for me.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Where I swim it is too warm to wear a cap - traps the heat in. In meets I prefer silicon. Have no idea if it works or not. I have always thought caps would reduce drag so the one that fits the smoothest on your head would be the one for you. That is silicon for me.
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