First 200 Breaststroke in 5 years: Please critique?

I "raced" (it was slow!) 200 Yard Breaststroke for the first time in five years, yesterday, even though breaststroke is my best stroke.  This distance in this particular stroke has always been the most physically demanding for me due to my arms always being out in front of my shoulders-- the only stroke where this is the case.  Between having past surgery for thoracic outlet syndrome (left side surgery; rehab without surgery on the right side) and having dysautonomia, the motion of the arms presents a physical challenge that I don't experience in butterfly, a more physically demanding stroke for most swimmers.

So, here's a video of my race.  My stroke count was high; 9, 11's, and 12-12-12.  I used to start off with 6 and max out at 10 for my last two 25's.  I also raced it about 20 seconds faster five years ago!  (On the other hand, it was a fast meet, yesterday.  I swam the 50 Br, 200 Fly, 200 Bk, and 200 IM before it-- all in less than 90 minutes.)

Care to critique?  Constructive criticism and suggestions welcomed, because I would like to keep challenging myself to successfully complete this race without tipping over physically with my autonomic nervous system!  Thanks!

  • I agree with your summation of 200 Br being much harder than expected. I only swam it once recently and was totally shot after finishing. I think you have a great Br. My opinion is that you could gain a lot by working on your turns. Watch some videos of great Br turns and emulate one aspect of the turn at a time. Then put it all together. Also seems to me that you aren't getting the thrust from your legs that you should be able to realize. As Allan indicated turning your feet out to catch and throw water back. Also, squeezing your legs. There's so much more strength and drive from your legs and they should be shooting you forward. Make them work harder for you.

    Congratulations for "keep on keeping on" with the 200 Br                   

  • Hey 'Z!  Nice to see you.  Thanks for your input!  Yeah, I used to have a good kick, but I will get it back.  One "problem" is my husband and I are doing a ton of international traveling, and there haven't been pools in a lot of the places we have been and will be going.  (Iceland, last summer, was one exception, thankfully!)  I put "problem" in quotes, because it's only a problem for my strokes and speed!  Otherwise, it's the only passion I prioritize over swimming...  I live to travel and swim!

    Thanks for the kick and turn suggestions.  I have a lot to work on!

  • Hey 'Z!  Nice to see you.  Thanks for your input!  Yeah, I used to have a good kick, but I will get it back.  One "problem" is my husband and I are doing a ton of international traveling, and there haven't been pools in a lot of the places we have been and will be going.  (Iceland, last summer, was one exception, thankfully!)  I put "problem" in quotes, because it's only a problem for my strokes and speed!  Otherwise, it's the only passion I prioritize over swimming...  I live to travel and swim!

    Thanks for the kick and turn suggestions.  I have a lot to work on!

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