Home lap pool design considerations - who has them?

Greetings all!  I know from some searches that there are people who have lap pools.  67Queen and I are building soon.  SPot on the lake, dream home and all that blah, blah, blah.  I'm in Tennessee, so the climate here won't be too bad.  So I'm starting to noodle on this. How many here have built lap pools?

Question 1 is how wide?  This will mostly be just me.  On occasion, there might be a second swimmer.  I have kind of noodled over having a 2-ish lane pool.  Figuring 12 feet as a baseline.  When just me, I could swim in the center.  If either of my daughters wants to train in the pool, aside from the fact that the one who'll be competing in college will clean my clock, would 12 feet lanes work, or would that be too little space, considering we would be doing vastly different workouts?  We are both butterflyers, so that may be a factor, though I wouldn't necessarily need to be doing it at the same time as her.  But those cases would be far and few between.  Would a 2 lane, 12' wide pool be sufficient if two folks were doing almost exclusively long axis strokes?

Aesthetically, would something so narrow look ungainly?  Going to 14' would help, I assume?  Flip it the other way, how about a single lane, 8' wide pool?  Inclined to think that that would look pretty funny.  Also, knowing there wno't be any wave mitigation, would such a narrow pool make the turbulence unbearable?

Any general thougths would be appreciated.  I will likely integrate some recreational areas into it, but not impeding the pool.  The house we are building is kind of W shaped (think L with an estra point to increase glassed area to get view of the lake from multiple directions), withi a walkout basement, and 76' wide along the side where the pool would go.

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