What's wrong with this picture? (Pool lane lines)

Our community pool opened for the summer, and here are the lane lines this morning as set up for the time reserved for adult lap swim.  Would you consider this a safety issue?  Help me write a note to my city council.  Or tell me if it's fine.  Setting aside the first lane on the left, are you okay with the straight double lane dividers?

I politely asked two employees about it and their answer boiled down to, "it's a lot of work to change the lines for when family swim starts in a couple of hours".  

  • The only issue I see here is the loose lane line on the left.   Remember that double lines or even triple are commonly used for competition. 

    Tightening the line is easy and takes little time so to get a response that it’s too much work to do that is not acceptable. I agree.  It just takes a few more turns on the wrench and takes no special skills, just a worker who isn’t entirely lazy.  

    That response, from a risk management perspective (my job) is a red flag.  If the employee attitude is at issue as in this case then what other safety issues are too much of a burden for them to be bothered with?   Training issues are easily remedied but an attitude about the work is less easily cured.  This individual should not be in a job role that requires any responsibility.  

  • The only issue I see here is the loose lane line on the left.   Remember that double lines or even triple are commonly used for competition. 

    Tightening the line is easy and takes little time so to get a response that it’s too much work to do that is not acceptable. I agree.  It just takes a few more turns on the wrench and takes no special skills, just a worker who isn’t entirely lazy.  

    That response, from a risk management perspective (my job) is a red flag.  If the employee attitude is at issue as in this case then what other safety issues are too much of a burden for them to be bothered with?   Training issues are easily remedied but an attitude about the work is less easily cured.  This individual should not be in a job role that requires any responsibility.  

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