goggles for those of us who wear contact lenses

would love to hear what are some favorite googles from those who have to wear contact lenses to be able to see.  currently i've been using the Aqua Sphere Kayenne Swim Goggles.  i like them but they do sometimes leak and wondering if anyone has recommendations. the last posts i could find about this were 11 years old.  thanks! 

  • I have always worn goggles and contact lenses (always = about 40 years, 1/2 w/ rigid gas permeables and 1/2 with soft contacts). Goggle fit is really individual. I tried lots of different brands and styles at a sports/swim shop until I found the best fit. If you squish them onto your eye sockets (without the strap), they should stay there for over a second (ideally 2 secs) before one pops off. Getting goggles that have adjustable nosepieces is important, too.

    The suggestion to get optical goggles is fine, but what do you do when you are out of the pool? Or take a break between sets with your goggles on your forehead?

    And I've never had any issues with pool water (or lake/river) water getting into my eyes with my contacts in. It's briefly uncomfortable, but your eyes know how to rewet themselves. If the contacts seem dry after the swim, use saline or drops to rewet and refresh.

    I hope you find a good goggle solution for your usage!

  • yes...saline has been super helpful after a swim. i'm still on the search but will try the optical ones and just have my glasses with me  to drive home after a swim. :) 

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