What is the hardest swim set you have ever done?

"Hardest" is open to your interpretation. Can be anything from 100 x 100s to 8 x 50's all out on 1:30 test set.

  • The toughest swim, which almost did me in, was a 50M fr split request in a 200M fr event.  The 50 went very good, taking maybe 2 breaths, however I had to legally finish the rest of the swim to get credit. I was ok at 100 but wasn’t recovering and started gasping. The seed time I thought was plenty slow enough (20 seconds slower than actual time) but I was the only one still swimming at 175M.  I rolled on my back at that point with feet sinking and loosing muscle control. It was a mental pursuit to avoid grabbing the lane line.  Finally finished with everyone waiting. 

  • Oh man, it hurts to reading that!  I know exactly what you went through, because that happened to me on a 100 breaststroke race.  I hadn't yet been diagnosed with dysautonomia, so I didn't understand what was happening.  Adrenaline had over-flooded my system, and I lost muscle control like you did.  My body locked up on me about 10 yards before finishing.  Those were the hardest last 10 yards I have ever swum.

  • Oh man, it hurts to reading that!  I know exactly what you went through, because that happened to me on a 100 breaststroke race.  I hadn't yet been diagnosed with dysautonomia, so I didn't understand what was happening.  Adrenaline had over-flooded my system, and I lost muscle control like you did.  My body locked up on me about 10 yards before finishing.  Those were the hardest last 10 yards I have ever swum.
