Tech Suit Recommendations?

Hi all! 

Looking to buy my very first tech suit! I swam competitively from age 7 - 19, but I never bought a tech suit because I didn't think I was "worthy". I've been back in the water for a year and made some NQTs, so I'm excited and looking to treat myself! I swim all 50s and the 100 free. I'm trying to find something that works for sprinting, but won't be so uncomfortable that I'll be hurting throughout the day. 


  • There are so many good ones. Swimoutlet has a section on the different suits and I'm sure Swimmer Magazine has done articles on them. 

    I'm writing because your statement about them being comfortable throughout the day. They shouldn't be. Wear them all day and they will stretch out. I use a different suit for warm ups, but some like the feel of the meet tech suit in the warm up(but I have a lot of old, but pretty good tech suits I use for warmup.) I put the suit on about 1 hr before the event. If I have some events close together(which I try to avoid) I'll keep it on, but usually take it off for warmdown (back into the old suit, no naked warmdowns) and on again later for the next event.

  • There are so many good ones. Swimoutlet has a section on the different suits and I'm sure Swimmer Magazine has done articles on them. 

    I'm writing because your statement about them being comfortable throughout the day. They shouldn't be. Wear them all day and they will stretch out. I use a different suit for warm ups, but some like the feel of the meet tech suit in the warm up(but I have a lot of old, but pretty good tech suits I use for warmup.) I put the suit on about 1 hr before the event. If I have some events close together(which I try to avoid) I'll keep it on, but usually take it off for warmdown (back into the old suit, no naked warmdowns) and on again later for the next event.

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