  • This might not be the right forum to ask this question, but since it’s already going I thought I’d present it here. As you know, there’s been a lot in the news lately about transgender athletes. Mostly transgender females (male-to-female) being barred from participating in female events. The argument being that they are, for all intents and purposes, still a male competing against birth females, and that the male->female trans athlete has an unfair advantage against birth females. But it got me wondering about events where a female->male trans athlete might have an advantage over birth male athletes. For me, when I think about this transgender issue, initially events like track & field, swimming, wrestling, etc. come to mind. But I wonder if there are events like the male gymnastics disciplines where a female->male might have an advantage over a birth male. Maybe diving???


  • I can't think of one.  I believe there was a trans-man who had a modicum of success in triathlon (and I emphasize modicum). The whole push for women's sports and raison d'etre of Title IX flushed.

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