I see there is a new membership tier. I am not clear what advantages this gives me since my primary focus is swimming in Meets, not in postal challenges Etc .

If I pay extra can I get a working forum? How about a sanctioned meet where everyone is vaccinated. Oh wait, I can do that now, in Canada

(I'd insert a frowny face, but evidently Elaine is the only one who figured how to do that.)

  • of course you are aware of the huge numbers of vaccinated people getting covid...more of a therapeutic right now than an actual vaccine.

  • It’s disappointing that vaccinated people can still catch and spread Covid. That’s why we need to continue to wear masks. Vaccination does markedly decrease mortality and morbidity iand also decreases transmissibility. It’s not a panacea but it is a necessary tool.

  • Because the injection everyone is getting does not conform to the historic definition of vaccine. Webster's has conveniently changed that.

  • Some of the drifts of what something means when it gets too far from the origin bothers me. For instance epicenter now means "focal point" when it's origin is referring to the point on the earth above an earthquake(epi=above) as the center was below ground. If a covid outbreak has an epicenter then it seems to me most of the victims are under ground. Similarly decimate has as become "destroy" or similar when historically it means kill every tenth person(as a punishment). If a covid outbreak decimates an area it must be killing every tenth person as a punishment. Vaccinate comes from innoulating with cowpox(vaca=cow) to grant some immunity to smallpox. 

  • Some of the drifts of what something means when it gets too far from the origin bothers me. For instance epicenter now means "focal point" when it's origin is referring to the point on the earth above an earthquake(epi=above) as the center was below ground. If a covid outbreak has an epicenter then it seems to me most of the victims are under ground. Similarly decimate has as become "destroy" or similar when historically it means kill every tenth person(as a punishment). If a covid outbreak decimates an area it must be killing every tenth person as a punishment. Vaccinate comes from innoulating with cowpox(vaca=cow) to grant some immunity to smallpox. 

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