Just looking for some general guidance/input or how other folks are handling returning to competition...
I started back to swimming at 54. I did a personal masters best (35.11 SCY) in 50 breast and 25 breast (15.47) at a few weeks shy of 61. Now I just turned 63, haven't done a meet since then because of the pandemic. I laid off swimming for four months from March-July 2020, and since starting back up, I can only work out for 30 mins., which means about 1500 yards, tops, about 2-3 times a week.
I want to get back to competition (there is a local meet upcoming), but am afraid I will be discouraged if I am too far afield from my last swim...throw in aging (two years from 61-63 is a big leap when compared to 28-30) and I am afraid I am not going to get near those times.
Should I go for it to set a baseline, or wait until I can get back to a fuller schedule of workouts? Any thoughts?