Swimming with a cold

Former Member
Former Member
I swam today with a cold. I have no fever, and no infection, just congestion. I was pleased at how my swim was sort of a 'vacation' from my cold. The symptoms vanished during the swim. Afterwards (1000 yards), I felt rejuvinated, and my sinuses felt less congested. Anyone else have this experience? I'd never go in with a fever, etc., being a big contagious germ carrier, but then chlorine would take care of that I think....but why take chances? Marian
  • My doctor once told me that if a person is afebrile and just congested above the neck its okay to continue your workouts, just try to get more sleep if you can. But if you have any kind of a fever and chest congestion, then its time to back off.
  • Originally posted by mbriones EEEEEEWWWWWWWW...I read that one and went now what type of gross people are swimming in THAT pool! I keep a box of kleenex on the deck with a plastic bag next to it, so when the need arises, I stop, blow, and put the snot rag into the plastic bag.... Although I agree hacking a big lugie into the gutter is gross, bringing a box of kleenex in a zip-lok out on deck seems like a little too much trouble to me.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    One of the reasons I loved going to the pool was because it cleared up my sinuses. The increased blood flow, increase body heat and chlorine all work together to dry up your sinuses, so you may feel better after swimming if you have a cold. In my case, it made my allergies feel better. Of course, they don't go away like a cold, so I finally saw the doctor and got some allergy meds. :) Kae
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    If swimming with a cold perks me up and makes me feel better I will swim the next day. However, if I still feel blah or worse after swimmng I decide that it's best not to swim until things clear up. Also, if the cold is below the neck (in the chest) I won't swim.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    This thread should be tied to the "spitting snot into the vent" thread.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    EEEEEEWWWWWWWW...I read that one and went now what type of gross people are swimming in THAT pool! I keep a box of kleenex on the deck with a plastic bag next to it, so when the need arises, I stop, blow, and put the snot rag into the plastic bag....
  • Swimming, especially in 80 degree water tends to "clear out" the head. I also noticed that swimming tells me if I have a sinus infection. If I push off under water, my sinuses let me know they're there! If I were smart I'd probably get out, but I'm not so I do the next best thing and just not push off as deep! :)
  • Yeah, usually you can swim pretty well with a cold. The only bad thing is when you get phlegm in your throat and every time you try to breathe it just rattles the phlegm around and you don't actually get any air! Man, I hate that :mad: I take it "afebrile" means not having a fever? Never heard that one before.
  • Yes, the prefix "a" means "without." Afebrile means without fever. A leftover word from my medical transcriptionist days!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Please, please stay out of the pool if you are sick. Please, if you must swim, then do it out in the ocean, where you can clear everything out to your hearts desire and lay out in the sand and let the sun and sea breeze heal you. mahalo, clyde