New Years Resolutions?

Former Member
Former Member
What are yours? Do you make them? Please share your thoughts. I don't. I have an on going list of things, and I do them, usually when i can, or when the motivation is right. The list gets revised as-needed, which is reasonably often. There are shortterm and medium term and long term things on that list. The thing with resolutions is... if I didn't have the motivation to do something on Dec 15th, I'm not likely to have it on Jan 1st. And there's no Big Bang when you turn the calendar page to Jan. 1st. For me, I tend to think about things for a while, and one day I get a moment of clarity of sorts, and jump in both feet. Starting things when I'm half hearted about them or feel like I should, or someone is pushing me to. I know myself well enough to know that I'm not gonna stick with them, and it's a waste of time and energy, not to mention an additional blow to self esteem that quitting can do. Have enough false starts, and one day you can find yourself believing you can't do the race. In my case, this is true in swimming and life in general.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Like Connie, I don't really make resolutions for the New Year. Basically I make resolutions all year -- I call them goals. Like -- increase exercise amount, decrease swim or run itmes, lose some fat, be nicer, etc.. It is too defeating to make a list on one day of good things to do for the year! If I make one at a time throughout the year I am *sometimes* more successful at meeting the goal(s). Here's to some great goals yet to come! Nancy
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Like Connie, I don't really make resolutions for the New Year. Basically I make resolutions all year -- I call them goals. Like -- increase exercise amount, decrease swim or run itmes, lose some fat, be nicer, etc.. It is too defeating to make a list on one day of good things to do for the year! If I make one at a time throughout the year I am *sometimes* more successful at meeting the goal(s). Here's to some great goals yet to come! Nancy
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