Do any of you wear glasses or contacts? I dont mean just for reading but I mean all the time? Has it affected your swimming in any way? What do you do about not being able to see?
I wasn't able to get the "Lasik"; the Lasik is pretty just go in and they slice a section in the top layer of your cornea and hold it up using a suction apparatus...then they resurface the lens so the refraction corrects your vision...and replace the section of the cornea back on top of the lens. Most people say they see really well on the way home from the surgery. It's an "outpatient" procedure these days so you don't have to be admitted to a hospital or anything like that. Instead of the Lasik, I got something along the lines of "keretectomy" (if there are any ophthalmologists online they can set me straight) because the angle of my cornea/lens was too steep and they were afraid the suction device wouldn't work too well. The procedure I got involved removing the top (epithelial) layer of the cornea with a laser and then resurfacing the lens. The epithelial layer then had to regenerate on its it took longer for my vision to correct. I also had to have each eye done separately. I was out of the water about 2 weeks or so for each eye...but they were about a month apart. With Lasik you can do both eyes at the same time and I think it's about 2 weeks. I'm glad I did it.:)
I wasn't able to get the "Lasik"; the Lasik is pretty just go in and they slice a section in the top layer of your cornea and hold it up using a suction apparatus...then they resurface the lens so the refraction corrects your vision...and replace the section of the cornea back on top of the lens. Most people say they see really well on the way home from the surgery. It's an "outpatient" procedure these days so you don't have to be admitted to a hospital or anything like that. Instead of the Lasik, I got something along the lines of "keretectomy" (if there are any ophthalmologists online they can set me straight) because the angle of my cornea/lens was too steep and they were afraid the suction device wouldn't work too well. The procedure I got involved removing the top (epithelial) layer of the cornea with a laser and then resurfacing the lens. The epithelial layer then had to regenerate on its it took longer for my vision to correct. I also had to have each eye done separately. I was out of the water about 2 weeks or so for each eye...but they were about a month apart. With Lasik you can do both eyes at the same time and I think it's about 2 weeks. I'm glad I did it.:)