
Former Member
Former Member
I can't swim because of grades
  • Thanks, Jerrycat. I'm sure I've made an enemy or two on this topic but could care less. I can't even imagine the horror of some young person or his/her parents (if they still talk to parents at schools these days) dragged in front of a counselor for having bad grades and being shoved info on ADD, retardation or LD. Not too long ago (I'm under 40), bright eyed kids who made bad grades or acted out weren't treated to psycho babble but were helped with study habits or beat severly (oops, that was just me, relax Lainey). And, guess what, the world kept on functioning. I realize I'll get a dissertation back from Lainey on all I don't know. But, this I do know, schools are out of control with the coddling and disorder-mania.
  • Thanks, Jerrycat. I'm sure I've made an enemy or two on this topic but could care less. I can't even imagine the horror of some young person or his/her parents (if they still talk to parents at schools these days) dragged in front of a counselor for having bad grades and being shoved info on ADD, retardation or LD. Not too long ago (I'm under 40), bright eyed kids who made bad grades or acted out weren't treated to psycho babble but were helped with study habits or beat severly (oops, that was just me, relax Lainey). And, guess what, the world kept on functioning. I realize I'll get a dissertation back from Lainey on all I don't know. But, this I do know, schools are out of control with the coddling and disorder-mania.
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