
Former Member
Former Member
I can't swim because of grades
  • I can't let this go. A guy gets pulled from his swim team and in two paragraphs the topic of mental retardation, learning disabilities and ADD is brought up? Is this what I have to look forward to next year - my kid makes bad grades and comes home worried about being possibly retarded or needing to see a shrink for ADD? This is outrageous. Did anyone first think (actually, I do believe Tom E did) that maybe bad study habits are to blame rather than some fabricated 90's sydrome or worse yet, retardation? I just can't believe this. When I got bad grades, the TV went off, the sports got removed and the fun ended for a while. No one ever put cockamamy notions in my parents head. I'm outraged. JC - I hope you improve your grades so you can return to swimming soon.
  • I can't let this go. A guy gets pulled from his swim team and in two paragraphs the topic of mental retardation, learning disabilities and ADD is brought up? Is this what I have to look forward to next year - my kid makes bad grades and comes home worried about being possibly retarded or needing to see a shrink for ADD? This is outrageous. Did anyone first think (actually, I do believe Tom E did) that maybe bad study habits are to blame rather than some fabricated 90's sydrome or worse yet, retardation? I just can't believe this. When I got bad grades, the TV went off, the sports got removed and the fun ended for a while. No one ever put cockamamy notions in my parents head. I'm outraged. JC - I hope you improve your grades so you can return to swimming soon.
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