I turned 16 today(11-15-03) I waited at the DOL(department of licensing for 5 1/2 hours. I took my knowledge test & driving test. I passed!!! I am a licensed driver now!!
I went to the swim meeting yesterday, and the fastest person on the teams' 50 free was 28 sec.(he's the captain) and mine is 25, I am the "all star" of the team. at least what is what everybody keeps telling me:D :) :cool:
Former Member
There are a million reasons why we should welcome JC Fly to our discussion groups. But, I think another compelling reason pops out the minute you consider why he might chose to be a regular here. This is an excellent discussion forum.
Look at some of the threads JC has started where he has asked for advice or comment, and look at the feed back he got. Ask Gareth why he posts and reads feedback here, rather than some of the swimming fora run out of his native UK. Most of all, take a look a the Football Player Turned Swimmer thread JoeyButts started, and the quality advice he received from a lot of experienced swimmers. As Jim Rhome would say, "have a take. Do not suck." That happens here consistently because the people who contribute make it happen. You cannot easily find this in an age group specific web site.
It is particularly ironic that some suggest we need a swim forum for adults only, because this is one of the few I have seen where I would not be embarassed to have my children read what is being said. (I say this as one of the folks who have skated close to the edge of the collective standard of good taste, and pulled back by the other members.) Ask the administrators of the U.S. Swimming web sites about discussion threads that spun out of control and had to be shut down for abusive language. Here, threads get canned rarely, and usually for becoming tiresome rather than objectionable.
Let's appreciate what we have and share it with the youngsters.
There are a million reasons why we should welcome JC Fly to our discussion groups. But, I think another compelling reason pops out the minute you consider why he might chose to be a regular here. This is an excellent discussion forum.
Look at some of the threads JC has started where he has asked for advice or comment, and look at the feed back he got. Ask Gareth why he posts and reads feedback here, rather than some of the swimming fora run out of his native UK. Most of all, take a look a the Football Player Turned Swimmer thread JoeyButts started, and the quality advice he received from a lot of experienced swimmers. As Jim Rhome would say, "have a take. Do not suck." That happens here consistently because the people who contribute make it happen. You cannot easily find this in an age group specific web site.
It is particularly ironic that some suggest we need a swim forum for adults only, because this is one of the few I have seen where I would not be embarassed to have my children read what is being said. (I say this as one of the folks who have skated close to the edge of the collective standard of good taste, and pulled back by the other members.) Ask the administrators of the U.S. Swimming web sites about discussion threads that spun out of control and had to be shut down for abusive language. Here, threads get canned rarely, and usually for becoming tiresome rather than objectionable.
Let's appreciate what we have and share it with the youngsters.