
Former Member
Former Member
I turned 16 today(11-15-03) I waited at the DOL(department of licensing for 5 1/2 hours. I took my knowledge test & driving test. I passed!!! I am a licensed driver now!! I went to the swim meeting yesterday, and the fastest person on the teams' 50 free was 28 sec.(he's the captain) and mine is 25, I am the "all star" of the team. at least what is what everybody keeps telling me:D :) :cool:
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I do not think my children are ANGELS and that is why a good relationship with adults is such an important thing. If a teen can talk to an adult like JC and the young man at my pool, it is a good thing. Kids need good role models. If those models turn their back on them, who are they going to turn to? I too like the enthusiasm that JC gives us. Try being around teens more, even though they are struggling to grow up and find themselves in a tough world, they are fun and full of energy and most are going to be terrific people and our future leaders. This world is a hard enough place to be without shutting out kids like JC. And a note, getting a drivers liscense is a much harder process now then when I was young. There is a lot more driving time required than there used to be(which is a good thing). There are a lot of kids who cannot get their liscense at 16, simply because they have not had time to fill the requirements.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I do not think my children are ANGELS and that is why a good relationship with adults is such an important thing. If a teen can talk to an adult like JC and the young man at my pool, it is a good thing. Kids need good role models. If those models turn their back on them, who are they going to turn to? I too like the enthusiasm that JC gives us. Try being around teens more, even though they are struggling to grow up and find themselves in a tough world, they are fun and full of energy and most are going to be terrific people and our future leaders. This world is a hard enough place to be without shutting out kids like JC. And a note, getting a drivers liscense is a much harder process now then when I was young. There is a lot more driving time required than there used to be(which is a good thing). There are a lot of kids who cannot get their liscense at 16, simply because they have not had time to fill the requirements.
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