I turned 16 today(11-15-03) I waited at the DOL(department of licensing for 5 1/2 hours. I took my knowledge test & driving test. I passed!!! I am a licensed driver now!!
I went to the swim meeting yesterday, and the fastest person on the teams' 50 free was 28 sec.(he's the captain) and mine is 25, I am the "all star" of the team. at least what is what everybody keeps telling me:D :) :cool:
Former Member
I suspect that 16-year old JC_FLY has more in common, physically, to our 20+ year old members than some crotchety 50+ year old member has in common, physically, to our 20+ year old members.
Or maybe these crotchety members are the reason we have so few 20+ members?
We've spent a lot of time talking about why boys don't seem to swim so much any more. Maybe JC_FLY can contribute some real information to that recurring thread.
Some of us, with teenage children, are interested in what teenagers have to say. We may not hear what we should from our own children!
Anyway, I hope JC_FLY has the courage to stay here, after being told to leave by what I think and hope is a small minority.
I suspect that 16-year old JC_FLY has more in common, physically, to our 20+ year old members than some crotchety 50+ year old member has in common, physically, to our 20+ year old members.
Or maybe these crotchety members are the reason we have so few 20+ members?
We've spent a lot of time talking about why boys don't seem to swim so much any more. Maybe JC_FLY can contribute some real information to that recurring thread.
Some of us, with teenage children, are interested in what teenagers have to say. We may not hear what we should from our own children!
Anyway, I hope JC_FLY has the courage to stay here, after being told to leave by what I think and hope is a small minority.