Heart Rate

Former Member
Former Member
I am 52 and just returned to the pool after a 26 year layoff (I didn't do any workout at all during that time). I have been back for about 4 months now and am swimming a mile 3 times a week. I usually do kicks and sprints afterwards. My question is about heart rates. After finishing the mile swim my heart rate has been from 140-160. If I don't speed up the last 10 or so laps, it will be in the 140 range. If I pick up the pace it has been in the 160 range. It usually takes me about 22 minutes to do the mile. I have been told that my heart rate is too high and I should slow down to bring it to about 110-120. I haven't experienced any problems that tells me they are right. Has anyone else experienced high heart rates for long term workouts or am I being mislead?
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Thanks for the replies. The person who told me the heart rate is too high (that I put any credability to) is a marathon runner who is 56. He's been at it for as long as I've known him, over 20 years. But then, as you stated, that's a land excercise. The pool length is 25 meters and I swim 60 laps. There is a placard on the wall that says "60 laps = 1 mile". I never really questioned it until you asked but I found it converts to .93 miles. (Now I'll have to add 4 laps to say that!) It's funny, until I read your replies I thought I still had a lot of work to do to get into shape. Maybe I'm doing okay but I still struggle to do even 1 lap butterfly and that motivates me to push myself.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Thanks for the replies. The person who told me the heart rate is too high (that I put any credability to) is a marathon runner who is 56. He's been at it for as long as I've known him, over 20 years. But then, as you stated, that's a land excercise. The pool length is 25 meters and I swim 60 laps. There is a placard on the wall that says "60 laps = 1 mile". I never really questioned it until you asked but I found it converts to .93 miles. (Now I'll have to add 4 laps to say that!) It's funny, until I read your replies I thought I still had a lot of work to do to get into shape. Maybe I'm doing okay but I still struggle to do even 1 lap butterfly and that motivates me to push myself.
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