Getting Out of My Swimming Pool Comfort Zone

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Former Member
I started to learn to swim back in March. Since then, I can do the basics such as the front crawl and back stroke. My problem is that I don't feel comfortable in water that I can't stand up and actually touth the bottom of the pool. That restricts me to staying in water that's 5 1/2 feet or less. I use to be afraid to backstroke in 3 feet of water and I got myself out of that once I learned to stand myself up while in the water. I have not made any progress since. I won't even allow myself to learn to tread water because I am afraid to even get in deeper water even though the ropes and the wall is there for me. I don't know what to expect. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? What happens if I try to get myself to a stand up position in deeper water? Will I start to go down? My goal is to be able to get into 12 feet of water and be comfortable, and then I want to start swimming in the ocean. But, I don't know what's holding me back. I know it can be done because Masters can do anything in the water. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    This subject has become dear to me as daily I see how many children and adults are unable to truly enjoy the water due to fears. If you or your child suffer from this overwhelming fear, taken myriad swimming lessons and have been disappointed in the results, don't despair. There is hope and you or your child can overcome this hinderence. You are not alone - some believe that up to 36% of the adult USA populationhas fear of submerging thier face underwater! The secret to success is not ignoring the fear, but dealing with it with patiently and systematically. The fearful student needs a patient guide to allow them to experience the water in a safe and nurturing environment. The instructor guide must break down each skill in the teaching progressions into much smaller increments than usual. Example: Most instructors take for granted a student knows how to "right" themselves from a prone float position. However, a person who is fearful and in a state of anxiety needs to have that skill (reach for the bootom with one foot, push down slowly with arms, lift head slowly) taught to them, patiently. In short, in order to overcome fear of water you will need an instructor who has the knowledge, patience and time are needed to desensitize the fear and replace it with confidence and skill. The Transpersonal Swimming Institiute has a video that has helped me understand my swimmers fear-of-water. Which, by the way, affects ~ 50 of the adult population in the USA. The link is below.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    This subject has become dear to me as daily I see how many children and adults are unable to truly enjoy the water due to fears. If you or your child suffer from this overwhelming fear, taken myriad swimming lessons and have been disappointed in the results, don't despair. There is hope and you or your child can overcome this hinderence. You are not alone - some believe that up to 36% of the adult USA populationhas fear of submerging thier face underwater! The secret to success is not ignoring the fear, but dealing with it with patiently and systematically. The fearful student needs a patient guide to allow them to experience the water in a safe and nurturing environment. The instructor guide must break down each skill in the teaching progressions into much smaller increments than usual. Example: Most instructors take for granted a student knows how to "right" themselves from a prone float position. However, a person who is fearful and in a state of anxiety needs to have that skill (reach for the bootom with one foot, push down slowly with arms, lift head slowly) taught to them, patiently. In short, in order to overcome fear of water you will need an instructor who has the knowledge, patience and time are needed to desensitize the fear and replace it with confidence and skill. The Transpersonal Swimming Institiute has a video that has helped me understand my swimmers fear-of-water. Which, by the way, affects ~ 50 of the adult population in the USA. The link is below.
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