flutter kick (feet position) question

Former Member
Former Member
Hi guys...I've read that the ankle flexibility (plantar flexion? pardon the spelling) is very important in flutter kick, as they can mean the difference with a kick with or without propulsive force... My question is, to get my feet to an angle that has some propulsive force I have to "force it slightly", as in it's obviously not my natural feet position. Therefore, do I intentionally "point my toes" when i am doing the down kick of the flutter kick? Or should I just relax the ankle during the entire kicking phase? Thanks for any response!
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    if you can relax your ankles that will help a lot. Fins are one of the best things to help your ankle flexibility. I would occasionally get the foot or calf cramp, but it was more due to the fact that I didn’t drink any water. Make sure you are real hydrated.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    if you can relax your ankles that will help a lot. Fins are one of the best things to help your ankle flexibility. I would occasionally get the foot or calf cramp, but it was more due to the fact that I didn’t drink any water. Make sure you are real hydrated.
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