Unhealthy Indoor Pool Air?

Former Member
Former Member
I started swimming workouts at a new indoor pool recently. They use a different type of chlorine/disinfectant system (the water tastes a bit salty), and I don't know how much ventilation they have. I've developed a cough at the end of each workout. And after working out yesterday evening, my lungs HURT a lot when I woke up this morning (they felt like they did on smoggy days in Southern California when I was a kid). I haven't had this problem at any other pool I've swum in--indoor and outdoor. Have any other folks here heard of or experienced lung pain/injury and coughing being caused by indoor pool air or particular types of chlorine? Thanks.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    yes, opening the window helps a lot! and in the winter the cool air feels really good. when i was doing club swimming i had a meet at Ft. Eustis and they were using old chlorine test kits. Well the results kept showing that there wasn't enough chlorine in the pool so they kept dumping more and more in. All the people in the building with asthma and some others wound up spending the night at the hospital. It was horrible on top of the fact that the pool had the coldest water i have ever swam in. Awhile ago when the pool i was training at wouldn't allow us to open any of the sliding glass doors that surround the pool :( i went to my family doctor and told him i was having some lung/breathing problems and he prescribed me some inhalers, which i used on an as needed basis. so you could try that too.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    yes, opening the window helps a lot! and in the winter the cool air feels really good. when i was doing club swimming i had a meet at Ft. Eustis and they were using old chlorine test kits. Well the results kept showing that there wasn't enough chlorine in the pool so they kept dumping more and more in. All the people in the building with asthma and some others wound up spending the night at the hospital. It was horrible on top of the fact that the pool had the coldest water i have ever swam in. Awhile ago when the pool i was training at wouldn't allow us to open any of the sliding glass doors that surround the pool :( i went to my family doctor and told him i was having some lung/breathing problems and he prescribed me some inhalers, which i used on an as needed basis. so you could try that too.
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