people who learn the strokes as adults

Former Member
Former Member
I learn the four strokes as a kid. But what is it like for you that learned it as adults. I was amazed that some adults are like age groupers better at some strokes than others.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    You can learn fly and *** as an adult. I took lessons at 38 am now 42, and fly and *** are fast becoming my best strokes. Now am I fast, not compared to the national standards, but I am still dropping time, so I don't know. I can complete a 400 IM well under 7:00, for someone who could not swim 3 years ago, that's not bad. And yes, I am short and short waisted, I think that helps with fly and ***. My back is downright pitiful though!!
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    You can learn fly and *** as an adult. I took lessons at 38 am now 42, and fly and *** are fast becoming my best strokes. Now am I fast, not compared to the national standards, but I am still dropping time, so I don't know. I can complete a 400 IM well under 7:00, for someone who could not swim 3 years ago, that's not bad. And yes, I am short and short waisted, I think that helps with fly and ***. My back is downright pitiful though!!
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