I learn the four strokes as a kid. But what is it like for you that learned it as adults. I was amazed that some adults are like age groupers better at some strokes than others.
I could swim - had swim lessons as a kid and went to the neighborhood pool every day to goof around, check out girls and get in trouble.
But three years ago I needed to learn how to swim well. I told a friend I would do the chesapeake Bay swim. I'm an engineer, a thinking guy so I looked for some books on swim technique.
I found the total Immersion book and then got swimming made easy and they were exactly what I needed. As an adult and an engineer the idea of flotation and bouyancy, keeping a horizontal line and not pushing down on the water all made perfect sense to me.
I took to the teaching in the books and videos like a duck to water so to speak. I am honestly a good freestyler. I sometimes think I am becoming a good breastroker or flyer - but a workout with the 4 stroke masters club usually reminds me I have a long way to go.
I think you've hit upon an issue that causes lots of conctrenation. First of all, folks who have been swimming for a while can't really relate to the level of instruction new swimmers need. So new swimmers will tend to really like the Total Immersion stuff - folks who've been at it a while probably don't. On the other hand when it comes to instruction and workout style; people who learned as adults and people who'v ebeen swimming for long time probably have very different preferences due to their backgrounds.
I could swim - had swim lessons as a kid and went to the neighborhood pool every day to goof around, check out girls and get in trouble.
But three years ago I needed to learn how to swim well. I told a friend I would do the chesapeake Bay swim. I'm an engineer, a thinking guy so I looked for some books on swim technique.
I found the total Immersion book and then got swimming made easy and they were exactly what I needed. As an adult and an engineer the idea of flotation and bouyancy, keeping a horizontal line and not pushing down on the water all made perfect sense to me.
I took to the teaching in the books and videos like a duck to water so to speak. I am honestly a good freestyler. I sometimes think I am becoming a good breastroker or flyer - but a workout with the 4 stroke masters club usually reminds me I have a long way to go.
I think you've hit upon an issue that causes lots of conctrenation. First of all, folks who have been swimming for a while can't really relate to the level of instruction new swimmers need. So new swimmers will tend to really like the Total Immersion stuff - folks who've been at it a while probably don't. On the other hand when it comes to instruction and workout style; people who learned as adults and people who'v ebeen swimming for long time probably have very different preferences due to their backgrounds.