I learn the four strokes as a kid. But what is it like for you that learned it as adults. I was amazed that some adults are like age groupers better at some strokes than others.
Former Member
Hey Cynthia,
The red cross talks about an alternative relaxing breastroke, where your face is kept out of the water (especially helpful when you have an adult learner who is not comfortable with water in the face). But when we teach breastroke (to adults or children) we try to instill the proper mechanics where the face is put into the water (whether the head goes under completely is another issue) during the stroke.
I'll put myself out on a limb here, when I coached High School and taught swim lessons down in So Cal, it seemed that our beginner swimmers that were of Asian/Pacific Island heritage picked up the breastroke real easy and had a harder time of learning front and back crawl (freestyle & backstroke).
Hey Cynthia,
The red cross talks about an alternative relaxing breastroke, where your face is kept out of the water (especially helpful when you have an adult learner who is not comfortable with water in the face). But when we teach breastroke (to adults or children) we try to instill the proper mechanics where the face is put into the water (whether the head goes under completely is another issue) during the stroke.
I'll put myself out on a limb here, when I coached High School and taught swim lessons down in So Cal, it seemed that our beginner swimmers that were of Asian/Pacific Island heritage picked up the breastroke real easy and had a harder time of learning front and back crawl (freestyle & backstroke).