body alignment

Former Member
Former Member
I am new to swimming and I am trying to improve my technique. I am having trouble keeping my body in a straight line when I swim. Although my technique is not great, I am not swimming complely flat. My body is rotating from side to side. I'm not sure I can clearly explain the problem. My body doesn't remain in a straight line when I swim. My hips swivel (while rotating) from side to side. This causes my legs to look like a dog wagging it's tail. It seems obvious that it's a problem with core strength. Concentrating on keeping my body in a straight line doesn't help. It just causes me to swim flat. Are there any drills that I can use to correct this problem?
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I noticed that when I forget I have abs (and relax them too much) I tend to weave more. Seems like I end up leaning my body left and right to reach for the stoke. When i stiffen my abs some to prevent the sideways bend, and pay attention to not cross my arms, I do much better. I don't know if your case is the same, but maybe it gives you an idea or two about what you may be doing to cause it.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I noticed that when I forget I have abs (and relax them too much) I tend to weave more. Seems like I end up leaning my body left and right to reach for the stoke. When i stiffen my abs some to prevent the sideways bend, and pay attention to not cross my arms, I do much better. I don't know if your case is the same, but maybe it gives you an idea or two about what you may be doing to cause it.
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