Kelowna fire

Former Member
Former Member
For the past few days, Kelowna a city of100,000plus (also a large and active Masters swimming community) has been threatened by a large forest fire. This morning I watched the news & learned that 30,000 people had been evacuated yesterday (with little or no warning, the fire moved that fast) as the fire entered the southeastern third of the city. Another 8000 are on 1 hour notice. Please send your hopes & prayers in their direction for safety, rain & no more wind. The next two days are critical. I thought if any group could send wet thoughts it would this one.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I was last in Kelowna 3 years ago and this situation is really bad. I would take my family ski-ing in the Okanagan as Whistler was just too expensive. I also have customers in the Okanagan and BC that I still deal with. This is the driest year since 1927 and they are worried about smokers setting light "accidentaly" to Stanley Park and other Vancouver forests. I understand that apart from the direct fire risk, the area is full of smoke causing breathing difficulties. My wife's sister is in Calgary, a few hundred miles away and that city is full of smoke. I hope it rains there soon !!
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I was last in Kelowna 3 years ago and this situation is really bad. I would take my family ski-ing in the Okanagan as Whistler was just too expensive. I also have customers in the Okanagan and BC that I still deal with. This is the driest year since 1927 and they are worried about smokers setting light "accidentaly" to Stanley Park and other Vancouver forests. I understand that apart from the direct fire risk, the area is full of smoke causing breathing difficulties. My wife's sister is in Calgary, a few hundred miles away and that city is full of smoke. I hope it rains there soon !!
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