Why does exercise control appetite?

Former Member
Former Member
I've read that regular aerobic exercise actually helps keep hunger in check. I've noticed this myself -- for several hours after a (modest) workout, I am satisfied by small, light meals. Anybody know the physiological basis for this effect? Something to do with neurotransmitters?
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    when at rest ,the body in association with the mind decides that it's a good idea to eat. this is a survival tactic that the body/mind automatically goes into when given time to rest. when swimming/exercising the body/mind is adrenalising,using reserves from the blood/fat etc this now being mode 2 stops the body from returning to want to stockup..for a while.... now where did i put that pizza...:D
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    when at rest ,the body in association with the mind decides that it's a good idea to eat. this is a survival tactic that the body/mind automatically goes into when given time to rest. when swimming/exercising the body/mind is adrenalising,using reserves from the blood/fat etc this now being mode 2 stops the body from returning to want to stockup..for a while.... now where did i put that pizza...:D
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