Why does exercise control appetite?

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Former Member
I've read that regular aerobic exercise actually helps keep hunger in check. I've noticed this myself -- for several hours after a (modest) workout, I am satisfied by small, light meals. Anybody know the physiological basis for this effect? Something to do with neurotransmitters?
  • I might temporarily have suppressed apetite right after a swim, but I am voracious about 30 minutes later. It's very similar to the hunger I get after skiing. Usually after about an hour of swimming, all I can think about is a huge cup of coffee and fried eggs and bacon. Swim to eat, eat to swim.
  • I might temporarily have suppressed apetite right after a swim, but I am voracious about 30 minutes later. It's very similar to the hunger I get after skiing. Usually after about an hour of swimming, all I can think about is a huge cup of coffee and fried eggs and bacon. Swim to eat, eat to swim.
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