My local pool has just raised the water temp to 30 ' C ( 86 ' F ) ! At this temp I am exhausted after 4 lengths. A full workout of 60 to 90 mins is impossible without suffering heat exhaustion. They have already had 1 swimmer collapse on poolside after swimming hard for 40 mins.
This has happened because a ' disabled swim group ' who use the pool for 45 mins once a week keep complaining about how cold the pool is. The pool management can't figure out the pool temp software so the temp is set that high for 24/7. It used to be 27' C ( 80.6' F ) and was then raised to 28'C (82.4 ' F ) 1 year ago.
I can't set workouts for my club that cause heat distress if carried out so it is a nightmare. My training is on hold until i can change this and I will have to move my masters club to another pool if not changed. Maybe ' Shaky's ' pool has space for us ?
Emmet Hines in his book says that 82 ' F ( 27.7' C ) is ideal for training, and that anything over 84' F ( 28.4 ' C ) is too hot.
Does anyone else suffer through hot water temperatures ? Can anyone recommend online research that I can use to prove the dangers of excercising in hot water ?
Former Member
Facility standards maybe the issue, you travel around a lot, I would assume (which may be incorrect) that you primarily use 'Y' facilities, and there training standards might be below what I have encountered (both public and private use facilities). SInce we know Shaky has the same view and also uses a Y facility (starting to see a trend). As for fitness crazes - they have always been around (remember seeing the picture of the vibrating belt thing from like the 50's that goes around the waist area and is suppose to vibrate/rub and cause the fat to melt away. The thinking of the generally public is the issue (favorite comic strip of Garfield is where he wolfs down an entire bag of dietetic candy and then says a few more bags of this and I will skinny as a rail). I think it is the lack of movement on peoples part - kids playing video games, watching TV, decline in PE in schools, after school programs, list goes on (everyone has seen/read the stories) nothing new there. Sorry again for the soap box.
Facility standards maybe the issue, you travel around a lot, I would assume (which may be incorrect) that you primarily use 'Y' facilities, and there training standards might be below what I have encountered (both public and private use facilities). SInce we know Shaky has the same view and also uses a Y facility (starting to see a trend). As for fitness crazes - they have always been around (remember seeing the picture of the vibrating belt thing from like the 50's that goes around the waist area and is suppose to vibrate/rub and cause the fat to melt away. The thinking of the generally public is the issue (favorite comic strip of Garfield is where he wolfs down an entire bag of dietetic candy and then says a few more bags of this and I will skinny as a rail). I think it is the lack of movement on peoples part - kids playing video games, watching TV, decline in PE in schools, after school programs, list goes on (everyone has seen/read the stories) nothing new there. Sorry again for the soap box.