Hi There,
I recently asked a female friend what she could do 100m in, expecting to be maybe ten secs behind as she is what I would term a good swimmer. Unfortunetly my 1.40 paled when compared with her 1.15. I consoled myself with the knowledge that I have only been swimming 1 year and I have been mainly TI drilling concentrating on Technique.
Now it is time for speed. I have started to compete in sprint tri's so I am looking to get around the 6min mark for 400m.
I have can swim most days and my local pool is 33m in length. Can anyone show me the way?
Thanks for your time
Former Member
If your home pool is 33m then you are probably not swimming organized/coached workouts with other swimmers. IF you want to get faster, that is step 1. AND there is NO step 2 until you make that leap.
If your home pool is 33m then you are probably not swimming organized/coached workouts with other swimmers. IF you want to get faster, that is step 1. AND there is NO step 2 until you make that leap.