an embarrassing question.

Former Member
Former Member
:( This directed to all the women out there who ride bikes in Triathlons. How can you prevent the total soreness between your legs (you know what l mean) after a long bike ride? l have noticed that l get so damm sore right down there when l go for long distances. l have a Triathlon this comming Sunday and l am still a little sore. Is there anything that I am doing wrong? Is it the seat? Is it the hight of the seat? Please, please, l need some feed back on this subject. l love doing this, but, my God! it hurts!!!!!!!!!!!! Please, fellow women Triathlets, give me some sugestions on this subject. l will for ever be grateful! l know that the bike seats are not the most comfortable ones in the world but this is so ridiculous. Also, l am going to buy some biking shorts, some with a little padding. The ones l ride with have no padding. Maybe this is the problem. l dont know. Any way, thanks for any information on this. Maria.
  • I stand by what I wrote before. I think there is a great deal of denial in the hardcore biking community. True, not everyone has problems. But the person who started the "an embarrassing question" thread clearly IS having problems. Here's an excerpt from my article that maria might want to check out: Be skeptical about any narrow saddle with a nose, even if they sport "cut outs" allegedly designed to reduce perineal pressures. "It's a fantasy," says Goldstein, "that cutting a hole into a traditional saddle does anything but worsen the situation." A much better alternative, he says, are the new generation of noseless, two-cheek seats including the Easy Seat ( ); the Seat ( ); and the BiSaddle ( ) Note from Jim: If you check these seats out, be prepared for a certain geeky appearance. Again, you won't be able to "steer" the bike with your things because these new style seats do not have a nose. However, if you are suffering pain and numbness in your nether regions after bike riding, you might want to consider looking a bit dorky in order to feel a lot better.
  • I stand by what I wrote before. I think there is a great deal of denial in the hardcore biking community. True, not everyone has problems. But the person who started the "an embarrassing question" thread clearly IS having problems. Here's an excerpt from my article that maria might want to check out: Be skeptical about any narrow saddle with a nose, even if they sport "cut outs" allegedly designed to reduce perineal pressures. "It's a fantasy," says Goldstein, "that cutting a hole into a traditional saddle does anything but worsen the situation." A much better alternative, he says, are the new generation of noseless, two-cheek seats including the Easy Seat ( ); the Seat ( ); and the BiSaddle ( ) Note from Jim: If you check these seats out, be prepared for a certain geeky appearance. Again, you won't be able to "steer" the bike with your things because these new style seats do not have a nose. However, if you are suffering pain and numbness in your nether regions after bike riding, you might want to consider looking a bit dorky in order to feel a lot better.
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