Wanted: 50 Meter Pool

Hi, My Masters swim team is going to attempt to gain support for a 50 meter pool to be built in our city at an upcoming city counsel meeting. I vaguely remember a similar thread a while back where people listed both pros and cons for a 50 meter pool vs. two smaller pools but I can't seem to find it with the search function. Can anyone help lead me in the right direction? If not, please just respond to this new thread. We really need this pool. Thanks, -GG
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I've found that serious swimmers like a water temperature of about 79°, while old folks and little kids prefer much warmer temps. I swim at a Y that has two pools (one warm, one cold) that satisfy the temperature desires of nearly every customer. But, I also attend a public 50 meter pool where the temperature is kept at 82° (it used to be 84°, but a well organized minority of lap swimmers convinced the management to lower it) as a compromise. Lap swimmers still complain that the water is too warm, while rec swimmers (most of whom would prefer a water temp of 85° or 86°) find it's way too cold.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I've found that serious swimmers like a water temperature of about 79°, while old folks and little kids prefer much warmer temps. I swim at a Y that has two pools (one warm, one cold) that satisfy the temperature desires of nearly every customer. But, I also attend a public 50 meter pool where the temperature is kept at 82° (it used to be 84°, but a well organized minority of lap swimmers convinced the management to lower it) as a compromise. Lap swimmers still complain that the water is too warm, while rec swimmers (most of whom would prefer a water temp of 85° or 86°) find it's way too cold.
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