My Masters swim team is going to attempt to gain support for a 50 meter pool to be built in our city at an upcoming city counsel meeting. I vaguely remember a similar thread a while back where people listed both pros and cons for a 50 meter pool vs. two smaller pools but I can't seem to find it with the search function. Can anyone help lead me in the right direction? If not, please just respond to this new thread. We really need this pool.
Former Member
We will get another pool in Kelowna but we will need to fight for a 50m right to the end. Kelowna is not a poor city so you would think it wouldn't take much more than a rubber stamp like they do every time they build a new arena but we have the problem in Kelowna where our city fathers are a good old boys club who believe in HOCKEY RINKS over anything, they have come out and stated that with the lake right here why would we need a pool. We have more rinks per pools than any city in Canada(they have built 2 new ones in the last 10 years and have started building 2 more as we speak). We have most of the seniors on our side as they are the ones that use it the most and would like something that they can still use while other things are going on like lessons, meets, etc. as well as they are the one who turn out to vote more than any other age group here. Peter I think you guys built as close to perfect pool as you can get and I enjoy going there. That is one facility that any committee should useas an example.
Peter just a little update, the fire has turned towards the city again tonight and 3300 people have been evacuated over the last 2 hrs.
We will get another pool in Kelowna but we will need to fight for a 50m right to the end. Kelowna is not a poor city so you would think it wouldn't take much more than a rubber stamp like they do every time they build a new arena but we have the problem in Kelowna where our city fathers are a good old boys club who believe in HOCKEY RINKS over anything, they have come out and stated that with the lake right here why would we need a pool. We have more rinks per pools than any city in Canada(they have built 2 new ones in the last 10 years and have started building 2 more as we speak). We have most of the seniors on our side as they are the ones that use it the most and would like something that they can still use while other things are going on like lessons, meets, etc. as well as they are the one who turn out to vote more than any other age group here. Peter I think you guys built as close to perfect pool as you can get and I enjoy going there. That is one facility that any committee should useas an example.
Peter just a little update, the fire has turned towards the city again tonight and 3300 people have been evacuated over the last 2 hrs.