My Masters swim team is going to attempt to gain support for a 50 meter pool to be built in our city at an upcoming city counsel meeting. I vaguely remember a similar thread a while back where people listed both pros and cons for a 50 meter pool vs. two smaller pools but I can't seem to find it with the search function. Can anyone help lead me in the right direction? If not, please just respond to this new thread. We really need this pool.
Former Member
Again, I strongly recommend that you contact Betsy Durrant at the email listed above. She is in contact with people who have successfully helped such efforts in their area.
If you email me at: seltzer@metasoft.com I can put in touch with someone locally who successfully made the case for a 50 meter pool AND a shallow 25 yard "instructional" pool based on a careful study of swimming usage patterns and showing people that based on no more than 3 swimmers per lane they needed a 50 meter pool to accomodate the different aquatic programs. He also created some future demand forecasts. I'm not sure if he saved all of this data/secenarios but it worth a try and I'm not sure how available he will be to provide this information right now.
I'd also strongly recommend that you contact Mel Goldstein, a member of Betsy's committee at goldstein@mindspring.com
Mel has lot experience and is very savvy when it comes to marketing/fundraising. I'm pretty sure that Mel will respond to you right away. He's that kind of guy.
Good luck
Again, I strongly recommend that you contact Betsy Durrant at the email listed above. She is in contact with people who have successfully helped such efforts in their area.
If you email me at: seltzer@metasoft.com I can put in touch with someone locally who successfully made the case for a 50 meter pool AND a shallow 25 yard "instructional" pool based on a careful study of swimming usage patterns and showing people that based on no more than 3 swimmers per lane they needed a 50 meter pool to accomodate the different aquatic programs. He also created some future demand forecasts. I'm not sure if he saved all of this data/secenarios but it worth a try and I'm not sure how available he will be to provide this information right now.
I'd also strongly recommend that you contact Mel Goldstein, a member of Betsy's committee at goldstein@mindspring.com
Mel has lot experience and is very savvy when it comes to marketing/fundraising. I'm pretty sure that Mel will respond to you right away. He's that kind of guy.
Good luck