Swimming Alone

Former Member
Former Member
I'm new to swimming, having just started last October at the local Y. I'd been swimming a mile 3 times a week in the pool. I just recently started open water swimming with a few friends. Wondering what everyone's thoughts are on swimming alone in open water. Pool swimming is suddenly less appealing (i.e., monotonous), but it's hard to coordinate training in open water with others sometimes. Is swimming alone an absolute no-no?
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Eliana, My swimming ability? Well, I'm not a very fast swimmer, but I do okay. I swim across a local pond (1/2 mile), and then back. I go early in the morning, so no lifeguards are there yet. I also wear a wetsuit. I guess I"m just wondering if I'm asking being foolish, even though I feel comfortable with the swim, especially with a wetsuit on.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Eliana, My swimming ability? Well, I'm not a very fast swimmer, but I do okay. I swim across a local pond (1/2 mile), and then back. I go early in the morning, so no lifeguards are there yet. I also wear a wetsuit. I guess I"m just wondering if I'm asking being foolish, even though I feel comfortable with the swim, especially with a wetsuit on.
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