American swimmers taking steriods

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Former Member
I remember years ago when Angel Martino couldn't go to the 1988 olympics? Now, a swimmer name Vencill has been accused of taking steriods who was going to the Pan-American games.Americans always point to the East German system in the 1970's and 1980's and the Chinese in the 1990's. So, do some of you think its more widespread in the US than has been previous thought?
  • I think we are all much smarter today than a decade ago about performance enhancing drugs. With the media and the talk around the pool you would have to be locked in a closet to not know something about illegal drug use. My point is that we are not educating our athletes about the use of these drugs. I'm sure there a few clubs that actually take the time to provide education to their athletes, but a great majority do not - most coaches need to be educated. If we continue to accept that word of mouth and media information will help prevent use of these drugs... we are in a world of hurt...
  • I think we are all much smarter today than a decade ago about performance enhancing drugs. With the media and the talk around the pool you would have to be locked in a closet to not know something about illegal drug use. My point is that we are not educating our athletes about the use of these drugs. I'm sure there a few clubs that actually take the time to provide education to their athletes, but a great majority do not - most coaches need to be educated. If we continue to accept that word of mouth and media information will help prevent use of these drugs... we are in a world of hurt...
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