American swimmers taking steriods

Former Member
Former Member
I remember years ago when Angel Martino couldn't go to the 1988 olympics? Now, a swimmer name Vencill has been accused of taking steriods who was going to the Pan-American games.Americans always point to the East German system in the 1970's and 1980's and the Chinese in the 1990's. So, do some of you think its more widespread in the US than has been previous thought?
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I believe our youth are ten zillion times more educated then we were in the 50's, 60's or 70's (I am 53). They know good and well the dangers, risks and side benefits from drug use. A multitude of information is out there on these subjects. Gosh, that is how high school kids find this junk in the first place. I think it is naive to think our youth are ignorant to the dangers of steroid an illegal drug use. I think they are much more aware then that....much more aware….
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I believe our youth are ten zillion times more educated then we were in the 50's, 60's or 70's (I am 53). They know good and well the dangers, risks and side benefits from drug use. A multitude of information is out there on these subjects. Gosh, that is how high school kids find this junk in the first place. I think it is naive to think our youth are ignorant to the dangers of steroid an illegal drug use. I think they are much more aware then that....much more aware….
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