American swimmers taking steriods

Former Member
Former Member
I remember years ago when Angel Martino couldn't go to the 1988 olympics? Now, a swimmer name Vencill has been accused of taking steriods who was going to the Pan-American games.Americans always point to the East German system in the 1970's and 1980's and the Chinese in the 1990's. So, do some of you think its more widespread in the US than has been previous thought?
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Lifetime ban for taking a drug on the prohibited list? Sound extreme especially when you consider that a number of those drugs are not performance enhancing. We've seen some swimmers who have been disqualified/suspended because of substances found in cold/asthma medication. I do believe they should be suspeneded but not permanently banned from swimming. Also others have tested positive for illegal drugs that are not performance enhancing (e.g. marijuana). They should also be suspended but not banned. To support Tom's position re lifetime ban substances such as steroids have a long-term "benefical" (and negative) impact that persists for years. To date. drug violations in the US have been radically different than those of East Germany and China. Since our sport is not organized by the state, we won't see such violations. The danger to our sport would be, hypothetically, if a major swim club had multiple swimmers testing positive. Fortunately, that has not happened in the U.S. I still think the major problem with performance enhancing drug use is our inability to systematically discover all cheaters through testing. I don't think longer term bans will root out more cheaters.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Lifetime ban for taking a drug on the prohibited list? Sound extreme especially when you consider that a number of those drugs are not performance enhancing. We've seen some swimmers who have been disqualified/suspended because of substances found in cold/asthma medication. I do believe they should be suspeneded but not permanently banned from swimming. Also others have tested positive for illegal drugs that are not performance enhancing (e.g. marijuana). They should also be suspended but not banned. To support Tom's position re lifetime ban substances such as steroids have a long-term "benefical" (and negative) impact that persists for years. To date. drug violations in the US have been radically different than those of East Germany and China. Since our sport is not organized by the state, we won't see such violations. The danger to our sport would be, hypothetically, if a major swim club had multiple swimmers testing positive. Fortunately, that has not happened in the U.S. I still think the major problem with performance enhancing drug use is our inability to systematically discover all cheaters through testing. I don't think longer term bans will root out more cheaters.
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