Orthopedic Advise?

After an unscheduled trip to the emergency room Friday night (my ankle was so swollen I couldn't walk), come to find out that I have a: "non-displaced posterior malleour fracture w/ligament injury and displaced talus" in my right ankle. Go figure, I've been walking/riding/swimming, etc for over 3 months on the stupid thing thinking that it was a marginal sprain! Question now is are there any Doc's out there that can share what options I'm faced with? (can't get in to see an orthopedic surgeon for another week). Phil, I was REALLY looking forward to that 50 back race with you in Santa Cruz next month, looks like we might have to reschedule!
  • After another round of x-rays (inconclusive) and now an MRI which ruled out a fracture (yeah). However it appears that there is some pretty decent ligament damage (to many years with aspirations of playing pro beach volleyball), however most likely brought on by attempting to swim the 200 backstroke (funny guy Sam!). Actually (and sadly) they think its also possibly Gout (big bummer), or sadly a 44 year old stuck inside a 95 year olds body (no offense to any 95 year olds). Oh well, heavy doses of antinflamatories and the occasional trip to the doc to have blood drained from the joint when it blows up again! At least I get to come out and race Phil in that 50 back in two weeks!
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Hey Paul! I'm swimming the 200 backstroke also. Want to race????
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Hey Tall Paul, Do us "experienced" swimmers a favor and let us know how you make out with the "ailments" you have mentioned. At the least, maybe we can learn/possibly prevent things from your misfortunes...:( Best of luck...please let us know how things work out. Sincerely, Fisch