Tempe Nationals-Fast Pool??

Hello, I've heard much discussion in the past about 'fast' pools, especially in Indy. Just curious how all of you would rate the ASU-Mona Plummer pool for Nationals. Also...did the warm weather/outdoor conditions affect the 'fast' pool posibilities for you? Thanks. Tim Murphy Sun Devil Masters
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Dom, what I suggest is when you swim at a pool like Tempe which I did swim in the state short meters meet, is to do a warmdown about 10 mintues to 15 mintues before your race. Swim slow mainly to adjust to the water temperature. At least they allow you to do a warm down. Year ago, I use to be in age group meets with colder water and you didn't even have an opportunity to do a warm down for your event and you hit the water and it was hard to breath.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Dom, what I suggest is when you swim at a pool like Tempe which I did swim in the state short meters meet, is to do a warmdown about 10 mintues to 15 mintues before your race. Swim slow mainly to adjust to the water temperature. At least they allow you to do a warm down. Year ago, I use to be in age group meets with colder water and you didn't even have an opportunity to do a warm down for your event and you hit the water and it was hard to breath.
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