Average Weekly Training?

Former Member
Former Member
I've just returned to swimming, and wondered what a "Typical" Masters Swimmer averages per week. How many swims each week, and how many yards/meters are covered in those swims? My routine is just three mornings a week, between 3500 to 5000 meters, taking 60 to 80 minutes. I can't imagine swimming more with a family and job, but remember swimming so much more as a child. Is this a common realization for those returning to swimming (with both a family and job)?
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Anyway, I did little yardage today because I wanted to get an idea of how fast I'm at this time of the year since the last meet was in Feb. I did 10's 50's and did slow warm up on each around 200 yards and took 2.30 to 3 mintues rest before I swam them. I was a little tried but not as sore as when I swim close or exceed 3,000 yards.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Maybe, the person with the very high yardage was Ron Karnaugh who still swims at the elite level of non-masters swimming and has a flexible enough schedule that he can do that much yardage. The other people I don't know who they are, maybe they are in college or just-past college where they have time to do the yardage.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Greg I think that is a fantastic schulde . I wonder how old you are and what kind of work you do. Do you have time to recoup strength for the next day and the day after etc, And also how hard do you work out with the weights ? And all the other things you do. But any rate keep up the good work.:) :cool: :)
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    To answer your question Dominick, I am 36, daughter 7 and son 5, won't give the wifes age, I know better :-) As for work, I am in tech field as a network engineer/system administrator. My customer are gov't agencies, so unfortunately bad people don't work 9-5 thus for the round the clock hrs for when people decide to go and get themselves arrested. As for the weights, I do those after the kids are asleep, at home. I keep it pretty simple, but it still hurts. I use 20lb dumbells and do numerous exercises with them. It ends up about 45 minutes with the weights then another 20 for crunches and the exercise ball. Weights I do every other day but the abs are done daily. Lucky for me, my wife is a physical therapist, so not only do i get cool gizmos to try when working my core but she also is very informative about the exercise techinques and whether I'm doing them properly or not.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Greg Thank you for the reponse. I just want to say , the sechulde you do now will make life a lot better down the road, or as you get up in age. You see I am an avid excerise person. I have been in some kind of traing or excerising. since age 15 which included gymanastics boxing weightlifting body building some diving etc. I guess got the picture. But as far as swimming goes, I never competive swimming untill approx 5 years ago age at that time 64. But I must tell you As a younger person I did alot of ocean swimming very little pool swimming. But although I did not compete , I could swimfor miles and I lterally mean miles. But the whole point to this story is . Try to contiune down the path you are on ,although their may be times you are not up to it , then dosomething any way. I can tell you what I did when I was younger has helped me tremdously now at age 69.:) :cool: :)
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I swim 4,000 yards in my morning practices on m-w-f from 5-630am. I really like the morning practice because I can get the swim time in while the family is still snoozing. I also swim every evening, averaging about 4,000 per practice. If I am not swimming a meet on weekend, I will do an easy swim on Saturday just to keep the feel of the water. That gives me about 32k a week. Throw in weights on m-w-f after I get back from night practice. Even with amount of time I train, I certainly still have time for my family. I have not yet missed a kids soccer game, daughters ice skating, dinner or even work for that matter :-) I even have time for the Indian Priness and Indian Guide program with my kids. I believe that if you want to put in the time, you can without sacraficing the chance at divorce court. Luckily, my family supports my swimming and they even got a vacation out to Tempe last month, although, they are bypassing NJ in August. With my training, kids activities, and being on call for work 7x24x365, I certainly stay busy, but I am also one of those that can function on 4-5hrs sleep which is what I get a night. See ya in Jersey, Greg
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I would like to do a 5th practice but the way the health club is open, it unfortunately closes early on Friday and I don't want to get up early on a work day and go to the rec pool. Maybe, I should expand the time at the rec pool for more time. I think ther reasons why I'm not able to drop my time like I did when I was 13 years old is partly my age-46 and I practice on average a day less than I did then when I did similar yardage on a novice/low level AAU team then than I do now. So Matt when are you turning 45 years old and entering in my age group?
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I agree with the belief that quality workouts are better than quantity of yardage. I find it very hard to balance family (2 and 4 year old) and work. I am 35 and swim 3-4 times a week at 5:30 in the am. I get in about 3000-3500 each workout. I train by myself so I can target my workout to produce the results I want as I like to compete in open water and distance events. I can pace a 1000 yd swim with repeating 100s at 1.10 - 1.15. While I don't pack in major amounts of yardage in a week, I am very satisfied with my swim results and the time I spend with my family:cool:
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Ok here is what I do over here in the UK.I have to say first that a lot of guys I see at the pool just seem to feel that they should just crank up the laps without trying to improve the quality of their swimming, by doing less metres and more drills.I try to visit my local swim pool at Beckenham at least 4 times a week.They have Masters training also on another evening,so I might add that to my schedule.I swim 2000 metres on each of my visits,trying to mix it up with drills and straight swimming.I have found that since I lost my job two weeks ago that my swimming had become a welcome break for me from the harsh realities of trying to get another job as soon as possible.Hope that didn't sound too deep.What I was saying was that now I am temporarily out of work it gives me the chance to actually be able to choose just when I swim and it means that I enjoy it more as I know that I don't have to rush off to work.