Swimming lessons

Former Member
Former Member
I am an intermediate swimmer and want to teach my mom how to swim. She cant swim at all. I just want to know about how I should start teaching her. What is the first thing i should teach her?:confused:
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I would start by having her put her face in the water. This may sound very basic, but sometimes adults have some fear and need to start by getting used to getting their face wet. The next step would be to practice some breathing by turning the face to the side and breathing in and then turning the head and blowing bubbles (exhalling) with her face in the water. After she feels more at home in the water you can move on to kicking and arm stroke.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I would start by having her put her face in the water. This may sound very basic, but sometimes adults have some fear and need to start by getting used to getting their face wet. The next step would be to practice some breathing by turning the face to the side and breathing in and then turning the head and blowing bubbles (exhalling) with her face in the water. After she feels more at home in the water you can move on to kicking and arm stroke.
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