I'm afarid because my mother may lose her foot because of infection. She has already had operations for heart attacks and I fell she is getting closer to death. I know that many of you are strangers out there. And probably thing this is weird. I'm afaird of my parents dieding. Anyone else out there experiance this fear. If some of you are religious pray to God for my mother.
Former Member
My thoughts are with you and your mom. Take care - keep swimming - you can only help your mom if you stay healthy yourself (mentally and physically). Your mom can gain strength from your strength.
I know that many other discussion users are touched by your post. Although we don't know you personally, we know you through your posts. The swimming world is an extended family; we care.
My thoughts are with you and your mom. Take care - keep swimming - you can only help your mom if you stay healthy yourself (mentally and physically). Your mom can gain strength from your strength.
I know that many other discussion users are touched by your post. Although we don't know you personally, we know you through your posts. The swimming world is an extended family; we care.