Having heard good things about Swedish googles preventing water leakage, I bought myself a pair. This is going to sound like a stupid question, but I'm wondering if there is a proper way to tie the nosepiece to the eyecups. Currently, I have two bulky knots on either side of the piece, but this looks nothing like the ads I see. Any suggestions?
Former Member
Where to find swedish goggles, go back to the USMS home page and look down the left column their is a link to a sponsors page which has a couple of swim shops (JD Pence, CAS, Circle city swim, Kiefer).
To answer the question on how to tie swedish goggles, the way I do it is thread the string through the (blue) center tube center piece - if you are going to use it, then through the eyelet of one of the goggles back through the center piece (once again only if you are going to use it then through the eyelet of the other goggle then tie your knot - usually like a square knot, I woulod suggest not tieing it to tightly since you can then untie and readjust. Also I would wear it in the water a few times before cutting the excess string since it can stretch a little and you may once again have to retie. Good luck with the goggles.
Where to find swedish goggles, go back to the USMS home page and look down the left column their is a link to a sponsors page which has a couple of swim shops (JD Pence, CAS, Circle city swim, Kiefer).
To answer the question on how to tie swedish goggles, the way I do it is thread the string through the (blue) center tube center piece - if you are going to use it, then through the eyelet of one of the goggles back through the center piece (once again only if you are going to use it then through the eyelet of the other goggle then tie your knot - usually like a square knot, I woulod suggest not tieing it to tightly since you can then untie and readjust. Also I would wear it in the water a few times before cutting the excess string since it can stretch a little and you may once again have to retie. Good luck with the goggles.