garamond garamond
I'm a Sophomore in Highschool and this past September I injured both knees running crosscountry. I've never really come out of the injury b/c it's a cronic problem that I was pre-disposed to getting. So this year I'm looking for alternative sports to help me stay strong and maybe get me back to running. So I'm deciding to start swimming. But I'm clueless! I know nothing about this sport, but I'm hoping it will be a little easier on my knees than running. What are the most common swimmer's injuries? And swimming is easier on the joints than running right? What should I know about simple techniques/ strokes? What are the basics????? I'm interested in hearing from all of you soon! Thanks, Whitney
Former Member
I've already registered for Area Tallahassee Aquatics this week which is good because I'm excited about starting. I hope everything goes well. The reason I was concered is b/c my boyfreind has 2 swimmerse in his family and they both had knee and elbow tendenitis, and my boyfreind is trying to persuade me not to swim b/c of the 'violent jerking' of the joints of the motion of kicking and stroking. That confuses me a little, I know that swimming is a low impact sport, so that means that the water acting against gravity wouldn't put as much pressure on the joints right?? Just trying to get everything straight. Thanks again for the help. I'm looking forward to getting to know a lot of people here!
I've already registered for Area Tallahassee Aquatics this week which is good because I'm excited about starting. I hope everything goes well. The reason I was concered is b/c my boyfreind has 2 swimmerse in his family and they both had knee and elbow tendenitis, and my boyfreind is trying to persuade me not to swim b/c of the 'violent jerking' of the joints of the motion of kicking and stroking. That confuses me a little, I know that swimming is a low impact sport, so that means that the water acting against gravity wouldn't put as much pressure on the joints right?? Just trying to get everything straight. Thanks again for the help. I'm looking forward to getting to know a lot of people here!