Our local Y is planning on renovating the indoor pool in May. Right now the pool is 12 feet deep. Rumor has it that the plans are to make it only 5 feet at the deepest! My question is, "what is the minimum depth the pool should be to make starts from the block safe?"
Former Member
Originally posted by laineybug
I am so glad I posted this question. I had absolutely no idea that starts from blocks would be allowed in such shallow water! I guess it might be realitively safe for experienced swimmers. But, what about the children's team, or an adult, when they are learning starts? What about that impulsive kid who, before the guard can say no running, goes in head first? What about the swimmer who just plain misjudges when diving? Thanks for all your input.
A facility with water that shallow would be irresponsible to leave blocks in place between meets, i.e., when the pool is open to general, untrained users. Not only could those users be seriously -- even catastrophically -- injured, the facility would be exposing itself to major liability. I'd be surprised if they could get insurance coverage, if they did.
Originally posted by laineybug
I am so glad I posted this question. I had absolutely no idea that starts from blocks would be allowed in such shallow water! I guess it might be realitively safe for experienced swimmers. But, what about the children's team, or an adult, when they are learning starts? What about that impulsive kid who, before the guard can say no running, goes in head first? What about the swimmer who just plain misjudges when diving? Thanks for all your input.
A facility with water that shallow would be irresponsible to leave blocks in place between meets, i.e., when the pool is open to general, untrained users. Not only could those users be seriously -- even catastrophically -- injured, the facility would be exposing itself to major liability. I'd be surprised if they could get insurance coverage, if they did.