How deep?

Former Member
Former Member
Our local Y is planning on renovating the indoor pool in May. Right now the pool is 12 feet deep. Rumor has it that the plans are to make it only 5 feet at the deepest! My question is, "what is the minimum depth the pool should be to make starts from the block safe?"
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I practice in a rec pool in that is 4 feet to 6 feet in the middle and I don't hurt myself from a dive. Children could drown in 8 feet water as well if they don't know how to swim. The pool I practice is deeper at the diving area around 8 feet, so kids can dive and be safe. Two master meets I been too were 6 feet and 7.5 feet around which does make it difficult for me to get out without a ladder and one only had one ladder around so I had to swim across. Another pool I was concern about the safety issue it was only 3.5 at the end and we dive without the blocks. I was saying that the swallow end could be 5 feet since some people don't know how to swim and it could be 7 to 8 feet at the deeper end.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I practice in a rec pool in that is 4 feet to 6 feet in the middle and I don't hurt myself from a dive. Children could drown in 8 feet water as well if they don't know how to swim. The pool I practice is deeper at the diving area around 8 feet, so kids can dive and be safe. Two master meets I been too were 6 feet and 7.5 feet around which does make it difficult for me to get out without a ladder and one only had one ladder around so I had to swim across. Another pool I was concern about the safety issue it was only 3.5 at the end and we dive without the blocks. I was saying that the swallow end could be 5 feet since some people don't know how to swim and it could be 7 to 8 feet at the deeper end.
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