How deep?

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Former Member
Our local Y is planning on renovating the indoor pool in May. Right now the pool is 12 feet deep. Rumor has it that the plans are to make it only 5 feet at the deepest! My question is, "what is the minimum depth the pool should be to make starts from the block safe?"
  • Recently USA-Swimming instituted a new rule that required all pools to be at least 4 feet deep at the starting end of the pool, if starting blocks are to be allowed. Masters has a the same rule, however there is special exception for pools 3’6” to 4 feet that allows shorter blocks. The Masters rule will likely change to reflect the USA-S rule. The depth is determined by the minimum pool depth when measured at points from 1 meter to 5 meters away from the wall. Now with all of the rules out of the way, from personal observation I know of a few swimmers who tend to bottom-out in shallow pools. Most have learned to adapt a shallow water dive, some after close encounters with tile and concrete. I can’t help with any technical research, but you may be able to get some information from the National Pool and Spa Institute (/ Just another reason to get into open water swimming, where the deep end is sometimes 2 miles deep!
  • Recently USA-Swimming instituted a new rule that required all pools to be at least 4 feet deep at the starting end of the pool, if starting blocks are to be allowed. Masters has a the same rule, however there is special exception for pools 3’6” to 4 feet that allows shorter blocks. The Masters rule will likely change to reflect the USA-S rule. The depth is determined by the minimum pool depth when measured at points from 1 meter to 5 meters away from the wall. Now with all of the rules out of the way, from personal observation I know of a few swimmers who tend to bottom-out in shallow pools. Most have learned to adapt a shallow water dive, some after close encounters with tile and concrete. I can’t help with any technical research, but you may be able to get some information from the National Pool and Spa Institute (/ Just another reason to get into open water swimming, where the deep end is sometimes 2 miles deep!
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